Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Pin It!

Workout Wednesday

Just the name of this sends shivers down some people's spines, I know I am one of them.

Doesn't it sound just awful. Well trust me it is. Your whole body will be sore after a few of these, but when you are done you will feel fantastic! This exercise is great to workout the whole body. So what exactly is a burpee? Do you remember in high school when we did squat thrust? That is a burpee. Typically for each burpee you do you burn about 1-1.5 calories depending on how much you weigh.

Looks easy right? Go try a few you won't think that anymore. You do not have to add the push up in. I sometimes do, and sometimes don't. Obviously if you want to make it more challenging you should add the push up, but trust me even without it you will still get your heart racing and break a sweat. There are a lot of different variations you can do. Of course with or without the push up is a variation. Here is a website with lots of different variations on them. Some are easier, and some are harder. I'm sure you will find one that you like.

So now that we know how awesome they are we are all ready to work them in our routine right? Try out this burpee challenge for the month.

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