Wednesday, August 7, 2013

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Workout Wednesday

We should all strive to get at least 30 minutes of activity in everyday. I know some days are harder than others. There are some days when I get up that I do not want to do anything at all. I have found that the best thing for me is to do my workouts first thing in the morning. This way I get it done, and I am not worrying all day about getting something done. My husband and I go to the gym in the evenings 3 days a week. I try to get something done in the morning at home so that way I always have some sort of activity in. I like to do a lot of different exercises. Also what makes it fun is that my children will try to do the workouts with me. One of my favorites and theirs as well are wall sits.
Wall sits are exactly what they sound like. You are sitting against the wall. Sounds easy right? Well go do some I bet you will think differently. Make sure your legs are at a 90-degree angle, press your back against the wall, and hold it until you absolutely can't hold it any longer.Tip: Place your hands on top of your head or hold them out in front to add a little work for your shoulders. But whatever you do, don't cheat and rest them on your thighs! In a wall sit you are working the entire muscular system in your lower body.
The quadriceps and buttocks work to hold the body in place. Since this is an isometric exercise, the endurance in the lower body muscles improves the longer you hold the position. The wall sit-down exercise improves performance in running, skiing and any sport involving jumping. Practicing this exercise makes it easier to get up and down off the floor and to use the leg muscles to lift heavy objects.

Read more:

You can vary this exercise by using a stability ball behind you, between your knees or adding weights. So go do some wall sits now. You quadriceps will thank you!


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