Friday, September 6, 2013

Pin It!

Fabulous Friday

So today's post is a continuation of yesterday's post. Since it is birthday week this week I thought why not keep it going :) I posted the other day about my daughters birthday. I was so much happier this year with everything. I felt so much better about myself. It was indoors so it was not 100 degrees like last year. Also most importantly my mom was there at the party and not in the hospital!!!! From the moment I found out I was having a girl I knew I was going to name her Callie, I have wanted that name since I was 16. I have also loved the movie Mary Poppins since I was a little girl. I have loved watching it with my own children. My baby girl loves the movie. So a Mary Poppins party was practically perfect in every way. It was honestly one of my favorite parties I have ever done for my kids. My other two favorites were a golf party this year for my oldest son, and a fall festival I put together for my younger sons second birthday. I knew as soon as I found out I was having a girl I was going to do her second birthday as Mary Poppins. I mean what is cuter than a sign that says superCALLIEfradgalisticexpialiTWOcious!! Most importantly she had an amazing time at the party, and I think everyone else did as well. I am so happy looking back on the photos from her party. Here are a few of my favorites.

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