Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year. I love everything about it. Unfortunately that also includes all the fatty foods as well. Every year we take a trip to an apple orchard as a family. I have very fond memories of these trips. I look forward to going every year. It is one of my favorite things we do as a family. This apple orchard is so much fun. We walk the orchard, let the kids play, and of course eat. They have the most amazing apple donuts there, they have pumpkin now as well. I mean you can smell them before you even get out of the car. My mouth is watering for them while I am typing this actually :) Well the problem is we would get a dozen at least, and I always eat at least half of them. I did not have any self control. After the orchard we always go to this big park. We eat lunch there, throw the football, look at the waterfalls, walk along the water. Well this year I am looking forward to going on this trip again in October, we always go in October. I plan to eat a donut again this year, I mean how could I not right? I will have one apple donut while at the orchard, and one pumpkin donut after lunch. I still get my treats in, but in moderation. I am so ready for October to be here, and go on our fun family trip. This year also I will not get winded walking the orchard, and I can actually enjoy it. I am looking forward to our pictures this year. I know I will be much happier with them than I have in the past. Obviously I love and cherish these pictures because it is fun family memories that I would never change, but I know I will be much happier this year with them.

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